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CALL US+91 742 848 5452| Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Anemones Flower Bulbs are exceptionally easy to grow and are resistant to pesky critters. After three-four months of sowing, these easy-to-grow bulbs bloom abundantly throughout the spring, often producing up to 20 flowers per bulb, making them a true garden workhorse.
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Oriental Lilies hardy nature helps the Oriental Lilies Flower Bulbs bloom in adversity so that you can grow them while being a gardening novice. Oriental Lilies are anywhere between 3-6 feet, making them a good option for your garden’s backend. It is best to pair the Oriental Lilies Flower Bulbs with Asiatic Lilies for an all year bloom.
The Oriental lily is a “Universal Symbol of Beauty” representing purity and innocence. Oriental Lilies Flower Bulbs boast showy blooms with vivid colours that make them a perfect addition to your collection.
The Oriental Lilies Flower Bulbs grow into beautiful perennial flowers with ample sunlight and regular watering. Oriental lilies’ swoony fragrance and spectacular hues make them the perfect choice for your flower garden.
Tulips’ flowers are eye-catching blooming in the spring season. You can boost your garden beauty with this gorgeous flowering plant. The tulip is a perennial, bulbous plant with attractive and showy flowers. The flowers are usually large, showy, and brightly colored, generally red, pink, yellow, or white (usually in warm colors). They often have a different colored blotch at the base of the sepals and petals.
This pretty Oxalis (Wood Sorrel) is very beautiful for filling pockets in the rock garden. Tuberous wood sorrels provide food for certain small herbivores. The genus is incredibly diverse and collectible. These funny-looking bulbs will produce foliage and flowers in just 8-10 weeks. Some varieties have double flower Leaves are in a range of shades and delicate flowers bloom off and on during fall, winter and spring. Leaves of few varieties are clover shaped and some think the plant brings good luck. These leaves fold up at night and open when light returns.
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