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CALL US+91 742 848 5452| Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Brinjal is a commonly used vegetable in Indian kitchens. Also known as eggplant, the brinjal tastes best if sown in mid to late summer. The plant needs fertile and well-drained soil to thrive. Buy Green Vedam’s healthy farm grown vegetable seeds enable you to grow healthy vegetables in your own garden.
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If you are a new gardener trying out your green thumb, Spinach is a perfect green for you. Spinach seeds germinate quickly and do not demand much of your care. The high-quality seeds from the Green Vedam farm will additionally ensure your spinach garden is a success.
Cauliflower is a nutritious vegetable that complements other vegetables in any dish. The tasty winter vegetable is everyone’s favourite, especially for weight loss. Planting seeds is the most budget-friendly way to grow your cauliflower. Rest assured your yield is high quality, pesticide-free and homegrown with green Vedam’s handpicked seeds!
The Coriander is a herb that adds a brilliant flavour to any dish. Also known as Chinese parsley, dhania or cilantro, the aromatic green leaves are a part of most cuisine. The easy to grow plant seeds can be sown in your kitchen garden or grown using hydroponic farming inside the kitchen. Buy pure non-GMO high-quality seeds from Green Vedam.
Homegrown radish can be a crunchy addition to your new salad. Rich in antioxidants and minerals. This vegetable is best nutritious when it is homegrown. Plant our Disease resistant, fastest-growing radish seed variety to get the healthiest radish at homeHomegrown radish can be a crunchy addition to your new salad. Rich in antioxidants and minerals. This vegetable is best nutritious when it is homegrown. Plant our Disease resistant, fastest-growing radish seed variety to get the healthiest radish at home
The Bitter Gourd is a tropical vine loaded with many health benefits. This summer vegetable is easy to grow and mature quickly. Use Green Vedam’s high-quality bitter guard seeds for high yields and top quality harvests.
The tomato is a nutrient-rich superfood consumed every day in Indian households. It always finds a place in everyone’s grocery list. With Green Vedam’s high-quality tomato seeds, you no longer have to add them to your grocery list. Plant our premium farm-sourced tomato seeds to grow bright red tomatoes in your garden.
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