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CALL US+91 742 848 5452| Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Grow your own celery is the most economical & healthy way to eat fresh greens. The low-calorie herb is rich in nutrients & vitamins. Add this easy-to-grow herb to your kitchen garden & enjoy your salads & s&wiches with your homegrown celery.
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Cucumber is a vegetable that is a part of everyone’s daily diet in the summers. The vegetable cures skin problems & other ailments. The member of the watermelon family has good water content & cools down your body. Plant your own cucumbers in your kitchen garden with Green Vedam cucumber seeds to acquire the best yield.
Leeks are a popular member of many home gardens. The relative of onions & garlic are primarily found in soups, salads & seasonings. If you are looking for leek seeds, Green Vedam has the best quality seeds sourced from our farms that will germinate.
Capsicum or bell peppers are highly nutritious vegetables often found on salads and pizzas. It tastes great when consumed raw or cooked. The capsicum is excellent for beginners trying out their green thumb. The seeds germinate quickly, and the plant needs lesser care comparatively. Capsicum tastes fantastic on the same day they are picked. Harvest yours with Green Vedam’s quality seeds today!
The delicious cherry tomatoes are a popular variety that appears in red clusters in the plant. The berry sized juicy tomatoes add a great look to your garden. It adds a nice flavour to your salads, smoothies, pasta & pizzas. Grow your own fresh, organically grown cherry tomatoes at home to double the taste.
Sweet corn is a warm-season crop that contains numerous nutrients, & the tender sweet corn ears are everyone’s favourite. Growing sweet corn in your kitchen is surprisingly easy compared to popular belief. All you need to ensure is to sow superior quality, open-pollinated Green Vedam seeds that are certain to germinate.
Parsley is a versatile herb that is loaded with a concentrated source of nutrients. It is popularly used in sauces, salads & soups as it has the property to lessen the need for salt. The parsley seeds can be planted indoors or sown in your garden directly. Enjoy fresh parsley salad with green Vedam’s h&picked parsley seeds.
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