Plant Type | Foliage |
Pot Material | Plastic Glazed Pot |
CALL US+91 742 848 5452| Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
CALL US+91 742 848 5452| Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Dracaena Bronze also known as “spikes” is a rather dramatic plant with sharp, pointy leaves. It has a tropical feel to it & can make your home garden collection unique.
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Plant Type | Foliage |
Pot Material | Plastic Glazed Pot |
The Sansevieria Trifasciata is commonly known as the “mother in law’s tongue” or “snake plant” ornate your home garden with a lush green foliage due to its deep green leaves. Making for a warm & cosy ambience.
A bright & colourful beauty, the Aglaonema is also called the Chinese evergreen. This drought-tolerant, low maintenance plant is attractive with pink variegation, creating colourful foliage that thrives indoors.
Sansevieria Superba is commonly called the snake plant because of its shape resembling a mother-in-law’s tongue. It is one of the best low maintenance plants, ideal for indoor & outdoor settings. It is a special favourite among beginners since it requires very little active care & can adapt to various conditions.
Hosta plants are known to have a wide range of spread & height (between 1 & 3 feet). Another unique aspect of this plant is the number of colours its leaves can be of. It includes variegated white, lime green, & blue-green, to name a few.
This elegant & versatile Syngonium has delicate pink variegation along with lush green leaves, requiring modest care & substantially boosting your home’s beauty while cleansing & purifying the indoor air.
The Syngonium Golden is a beautiful houseplant with arrowhead shape leaves. They make for a gorgeous foliage & its compact size makes it apt for any indoor setting.
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