Pot Material | Plastic Glazed Pot |
CALL US+91 742 848 5452| Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
CALL US+91 742 848 5452| Mon – Sat: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Sempervivum is a species of flowering succulents that belong to the Crassulaceae family. This evergreen perennial originates from Europe.
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Pot Material | Plastic Glazed Pot |
A thick succulent with leaves shaped like hearts. This climbing succulent can grow up to 4m tall with 7mm stem diameters & 6cm-wide leaves.
A thick succulent with leaves shaped like hearts. This climbing succulent can grow up to 4m tall with 7mm stem diameters & 6cm-wide leaves.
This attractive succulent is a brownish-red rosette with a green centre. Being low maintenance & resilient, the Echeveria Melaco is a favourite of beginners everywhere, especially considering its aesthetic appeal. The plant in combination with its pot makes for a subtle yet striking appearance.
This spine-covered, green globular cactus shares many similarities with others in the Mammillaria family, the primary marker being its resilience. Requiring very little maintenance, this cactus is perfect for adding a little summer surprise to your garden.
The Sansevieria Trifasciata is commonly known as the “mother in law’s tongue” or “snake plant” ornate your home garden with a lush green foliage due to its deep green leaves. Making for a warm & cosy ambience.
This glass terrarium is a beautiful addition to your home garden or indoor space. It adds a touch of nature to your home while giving you room for boundless creativity.
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